
Becoming an Environmentally Conscious Citizen

4 Tips For Staying Safe When Working With Diesel Fuel

If you find yourself working with diesel fuel on a regular basis, such as if you are a truck driver who is responsible for filling your truck with diesel fuel, then you could be wondering if there are any health hazards that go along with handling diesel fuel frequently. Of course, as with anything, diesel fuel can be dangerous. However, if you follow these tips, you can help ensure that you stay safe.

1. Make Sure It's Stored Properly

For one thing, it's important to make sure that the diesel fuel that you are working with is stored in a proper, approved tank or container. Otherwise, there could be an increased chance of leaks, fumes and other issues that could put you at risk. For example, if diesel fuel is stored at your place of business, ensuring that it's in a diesel fuel tank and not some other type of container is essential. When stopping at a fill-up station, make sure that the diesel is kept in an approved diesel tank with pump.

2. Protect Yourself from the Fumes

Of course, diesel fuel does have fumes that you have to worry about if you are concerned about the quality of the air that you are breathing. For example, when possible, try to avoid the exhaust pipes of your truck when your vehicle is running, and consider wearing a mask over your face when you are working around a lot of diesel fuel. This can help you protect yourself from the fumes.

3. Wash Your Hands

If you get diesel fuel on your hands, which could certainly happen at some point when you work with it on a regular basis, make sure that you wash your hands thoroughly as soon as possible. This can help you avoid touching other parts of your body -- such as your face -- with the diesel fuel-covered hands and can help prevent odors, irritation to your skin and more.

4. Avoid Smoking

It's always a good idea to avoid smoking when you are handling diesel fuel, gasoline or other types of fuel. After all, you could be at risk of an explosion if you smoke around fuel.

As you can see, there are a few tips that you will probably want to keep in mind when working with diesel fuel. If you remember these four things, you can help ensure that you are safe when handling this popular, useful fuel. Contact a company like United Oil for more information and assistance. 

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Becoming an Environmentally Conscious Citizen

Do you always make resolutions on New Year’s Day? Perhaps, you’re already compiling a list of goals you want to accomplish next year. One of them might be to reduce your carbon footprint. To help you accomplish this important task, you may wish to invest in new windows. Purchasing new energy efficient appliances is also a great idea. Why stop at appliances? Consider upgrading your heating and air conditioning system too. You may also want to start collecting rain water to utilize in your flower or vegetable garden. On this blog, I hope you will discover smart, easy ways to help save the planet. Enjoy!



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